Sounds Sweet
Delightful on strong signals! Awesome on the weak ones!
Sounds Sweet speakers maximize intelligibility by reproducing the bass information missing in smaller communications and built-in radio speakers, without the hiss and mud produced by speakers not intended for communications voice and shortwave music use.
The Sounds Sweet speaker came from the frustration of listening to internal and add-on external speakers that sounded tinny, hissy, and distorted. HIFI speakers were no solution either. They rumble and hiss. Their bass response extends too low and they have hissing tweeters.
EFFICIENT - works directly wired to the speaker output jack of all radios. Even loud when fed by the headphone jack of a handheld HT or scanner. 95 dBSPL at 1 meter with 1 Watt!
THE RIGHT BASS FOR INTELLIGIBILITY - much more bass than little internal and external speakers and much different bass than hifi speakers.
Intelligibility is not made worse by bass but rather the wrong bass. The muddy bass of music speakers which are tuned to 30 or even 20 Hz hurts intelligibility. Artifacts below the lowest frequency of radio-voice, around 100 Hz, decrease intelligibility. But voice bass components between 100 Hz and the 300 Hz or even the 800 Hz cut-off of internal or other external speakers adds greatly to intelligibility, especially during noisy QSOs. And this bass adds tremendous enjoyment to good paths!
HIGHS - accurate, clear, intelligible and hiss free. All other communications speakers have drivers capable of producing high frequencies in a range where there is no radio communication energy other than HISS! The dual-cone, wideband driver is optimized and optimal for SSB!
Clear, natural, intelligible, clean, loud and fatigue free audio. Voices are full and bright without the hiss!
Perfect for HF... Great for VHF & UHF too! Sounds Sweet - THE ULTIMATE SSB speaker!
Don't believe us, read the reviews yourself !!
Big Sound!
Sounds Sweet!
Many users claim that our speaker makes AM sound like FM. We think it sounds better! The Sounds Sweet speaker sounds AWESOME on AM. Broadcast Short Wave stations will amaze you and so will AM QSOs!
THE base speaker for satisfying comfortable copy on VHF and UHF FM. Terrific for repeaters! Non-fatiguing for rag chews and great for copying a marginal mobile. Very intelligible and clean. Improves intelligibility by reproducing the bass missing from your radio's speaker!
No hiss!
Excellent for satellites!
Efficiency, bandwidth, clarity, cleanliness and lack of hiss make them ideal for CW too!
Many amateur operators enjoy transmitting high fidelity signals. Sounds Sweet speakers are perfect to hear the results of their efforts.
Connect directly to your transceiver, receiver or portable's external speaker or headphone connector.